Nordic Game Discovery Contest (NGDC) er online og går i gang med sin femte sæson. Nu præsenteres de seneste kvalifikationer som vandt i Brasilien ved Big Festival (Brasiliansk independent spil festival).
Spil som Gitta Barbot, en 25 årig stofmisbruger, som prøver at slippe væk fra det fysisk og ikke mindst mentalt styrede fængsel som Bres Lupus har skabt. Det gælder om at være hurtig på aftrækkeren når det rette valg skal træffes. Hvis du træffer det forkerte valg, mærker du konsekvensen af det med det samme.
“Vi er meget overraskede og glade for vi vandt! Og selvom det måske lyder underligt med sådan et stort projekt inden for Indie genren, så er vi vant til at blive overset.” siger Arnold Nesis, CEO hos Caprica Productions. “Da vi startede dette projekt for 6 år siden, var stort set alle investorer vi snakkede med uforstående over for projektet og hvorfor vi gjorde det. At få sådan en god feedback så tæt på spillets udgivelse, viser os at det var alt arbejdet værd.
Of Bird and Cage er udviklet af Caprica Productions og vil blive udgivet på PC via Steam her, distribueret af All in! Games den 20. maj. Det unikke soundtrack vil blive udgivet på Steam den samme dag lige her.
Capricia is a games studio, creating a new way to experience music through video games. Capricia tells stories through both the music and the video-game, intertwining them, enabling each to complete the other. Of Bird and Cage, their first project, featuring artists from bands like (ex) Guns N’ Roses, Within Temptation, and (ex) Evanescence, has captured the attention of media such as Metal Hammer and Loudwire magazines. Don’t just listen to the music — #PLAYtheMusic.
About the Nordic Game Discovery Contest
Building on fourteen years of organising successful games industry activities, including the annual Nordic Game conference, regional funding programs, overseas networking events and other developer support initiatives, Nordic Game launched the Nordic Game Discovery Contest (NGDC) in 2016 – an exciting, competitive challenge where selected game projects are showcased live in pitch competitions at partner events across Europe and around the globe. Learn more about all the NGDC Season IV qualifiers – and get ready for Season V right here.
About the Nordic Game conference
Nordic Game is the leading games conference in Europe, and 2021 marks its nineteenth and twentieth editions. Gathering thousands of industry professionals in Malmö annually, Nordic Game is the one and only “home turf” meeting place for the highly successful game developers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Nordic Game doubles up again with NG21 on 26-28 May and in November, following last year’s digital debut at NG20 and twice the knowledge, emotion and business at NG20+.